Tuesday, July 13, 2010

An Open Vision

I, Stephen Underwood on this day 13th of July do testify that this is a true and actual statement of my own faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, who's child I am and in whom I serve. This open vision came to me some years ago, when I had lost two of the most significant people in my own life. As, I was giving my baby brother's eulogy the Lord God had allowed me to have an open vision where I could see myself still ministering to the people in the funeral. It happened just like in Malachi the 3rd chapter the last book of the Old Testament. The Spirit of the Lord took me up into and, beyond the window that I was looking at the time and I knew it was the Kingdom of God because of the illumination of the excellent light that was shining all around it. As the Spirit of the Lord began to proceed to take me further into this Holy like presence that I could feel in my natural body. Like, I said, the presence was over powering and I knew it was the Lord because only he can create an atmosphere that you only can feel the transforming power of change that overtakes you when your in His divine presence.

The Holy Spirit began to take me and place me in front of a huge crystal like wall and the door was made of crystal as well too. As, I looked as far as my eyes would let me see I began to notice that there where mountain piles of what seemed like mountains of treasure that a true believer in the Lord Jesus Christ could ever want or need in their lives. It was things like health, peace prosperity (not like the prosperity that's being taught in today's times) this was the prosperity of good well being, love, joy, long suffering, patience, wisdom, knowledge, wealth, strength, and everything that one could need in their lives. So as I am standing before this huge massive door the Spirit of the Lord tells me to access it and I did the first time nothing happened. Then He (the Holy Spirit) told me to access it again and I tried it again just like he had given me the instructions to do but the door would not open for me at all. So He (Holy Spirit) then asks me what is wrong and I proceed to tell him nothings wrong, then He (Holy Spirit) says to me you might as well tell me anyway because I know your thoughts already. So, I give in to Him (Holy Spirit) and tell Him, why would you give me permission to access something and knowingly that it will not open. Then the voice of the Lord begins to speak out to me saying, "Stephen that's it your trying to access something in the realm of your flesh and it will not open for you as long as your still trying to do things in your flesh. Because you must always remember no uncleanness shall dwell in my presence even if it is my blessing to bless you. You tell my people to whomever will listen that whenever they try to access something in the spirit realm but do it in their flesh they will not have access to my spiritual things. But if you choose to walk in the flesh you are going to get the flesh; however, if you would walk in the spirit of Me and my word that is Spirit (the Holy Spirit) you will have access to these things at will but you must live and walk according to my Holy Spirit. However, if you think that you will live and walk according to your flesh and that I will give these things to you you are sadly mistaken to think I would do that to you. That would mean your own self destruction again, if you would decided to walk with me in the Spirit I will bless your life with all these things and more. People of God this is what God Almighty wants for us in our own lives to truly be that representation and ambassador for Him (the True God) and the cause of the Kingdom.

Warmest Regards,

Stephen Underwood (The Vision the Lord God gave to me over the years starting in 1994)