Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Pursuit of Happiness: Learning How to Be Satisfied in Unsatisfied Situations!

So often in life we can get burdened down with situations in life that seem to drain and cause us to set aside our passions, dreams and goals in life. Well, Today I would like to share with you some important things that I have discovered over the years that in my own Pursuit of Happiness: Learning How to Be Satisfied in Unsatisfied Situations. All of us know that in life it is not easy nor is it simple at times. The truth be told it can be down right gut wrenching when trying to navigate through it at times. In my own personal life nothing has ever come easy for me nor has it been simple just to follow a set of rules or regulations that I have found to make it easier in life. Sometimes you feel that the harder that you try to be good, do the right thing and be a helping hand to someone in need the harder life seems to get. It seems the harder you press into it the harder it presses into you the more that you try. But don't be dismayed things do change and turn around for the better y

The Pursuit of Happiness: Learning How to Be Satisfied in Unsatisfied Situations!

This is a little something that I wanted to write to encourage and inspire someone to go beyond being content to becoming satisfied in their pursuit of happiness in their own lives that no matter whatever the situation life is still worth pursuing. Still Pursue Happiness It Still Is Worth Finding!http://ucanchangeurworld.blogspot.com

The Pursuit of Happiness: Learning How to Be Satisfied in Unsatisfied Situations!

This is a little something that I wanted to write to encourage and inspire someone to go beyond being content to becoming satisfied in their pursuit of happiness in their own lives that no matter whatever the situation life is still worth pursuing. Still Pursue Happiness It Still Is Worth Finding!http://ucanchangeurworld.blogspot.com

The Pursuit of Happiness: Learning How to Be Satisfied in Unsatisfied Situations!

So often in life we can get burdened down with situations in life that seem to drain and cause us to set aside our passions, dreams and goals in life. Well, Today I would like to share with you some important things that I have discovered over the years that in my own Pursuit of Happiness: Learning How to Be Satisfied in Unsatisfied Situations. All of us know that in life it is not easy nor is it simple at times. The truth be told it can be down right gut wrenching when trying to navigate through it at times. In my own personal life nothing has ever come easy for me nor has it been simple just to follow a set of rules or regulations that I have found to make it easier in life. Sometimes you feel that the harder that you try to be good, do the right thing and be a helping hand to someone in need the harder life seems to get. It seems the harder you press into it the harder it presses into you the more that you try. But don't be dismayed things do change and turn around for the better y

The Pursuit of Happiness: Learning How to Be Satisfied in Unsatisfied Situations!

So often in life we can get burdened down with situations in life that seem to drain and cause us to set aside our passions, dreams and goals in life. Well, Today I would like to share with you some important things that I have discovered over the years that in my own Pursuit of Happiness: Learning How to Be Satisfied in Unsatisfied Situations. All of us know that in life it is not easy nor is it simple at times. The truth be told it can be down right gut wrenching when trying to navigate through it at times. In my own personal life nothing has ever come easy for me nor has it been simple just to follow a set of rules or regulations that I have found to make it easier in life. Sometimes you feel that the harder that you try to be good, do the right thing and be a helping hand to someone in need the harder life seems to get. It seems the harder you press into it the harder it presses into you the more that you try. But don't be dismayed things do change and turn around for the better y

The Pursuit of Happiness: Learning How to Be Satisfied in Unsatisfied Situations!

This is a little something that I wanted to write to encourage and inspire someone to go beyond being content to becoming satisfied in their pursuit of happiness in their own lives that no matter whatever the situation life is still worth pursuing. Still Pursue Happiness It Still Is Worth Finding!

The Pursuit of Happiness: Learning How to Be Satisfied in Unsatisfied Situations!

This is a little something that I wanted to write to encourage and inspire someone to go beyond being content to becoming satisfied in their pursuit of happiness in their own lives that no matter whatever the situation life is still worth pursuing. Still Pursue Happiness It Still Is Worth Finding!

The Pursuit of Happiness: Learning How to Be Satisfied in Unsatisfied Situations!

So often in life we can get burdened down with situations in life that seem to drain and cause us to set aside our passions, dreams and goals in life. Well, Today I would like to share with you some important things that I have discovered over the years that in my own Pursuit of Happiness: Learning How to Be Satisfied in Unsatisfied Situations. All of us know that in life it is not easy nor is it simple at times. The truth be told it can be down right gut wrenching when trying to navigate through it at times. In my own personal life nothing has ever come easy for me nor has it been simple just to follow a set of rules or regulations that I have found to make it easier in life. Sometimes you feel that the harder that you try to be good, do the right thing and be a helping hand to someone in need the harder life seems to get. It seems the harder you press into it the harder it presses into you the more that you try. But don't be dismayed things do change and turn around for the better you just have to be willing to have a resolve on the inside of you that just says, "I just won't ever give up or give in!" You deserve to be happy, satisfied and content as the next person in life. What do you do when it seems like all of life has joined forces and conspired to against you to try to ruin your life? Well, This is the time you have to have a deep resolve and a strong constitution that no matter whatever happens or does not happen you are determined to give it your all. The Holy Bible puts it this way. In Job 14:1, 2 says, "Man who is born of woman Is of few days and full of trouble. He comes forth like a flower and fades away; He flees like a shadow and does not continue." So, What can we glean from this pericope of scripture here is that everyone who is born is full of trouble in some type of way or manner. It is just when and where you will deal with that trouble that matters in life. To give you a real life example for instance. As I stated to you before my life has never been easy nor smooth sailing in anyway form or fashion. When I was younger as a child it was thought that I had learning disabilities that would hinder me in fully developing in to a growing functioning adult. I use to get pick on by my siblings called things like dummy, stupid and at times a occasional retard would slip in there every once in a while. Even by some of my teachers I was told that I would never amount to anything and be much of anything. I was even told that I would not live to see 20 or 21 years of age and that I either would be dead or in some penal institution of some sort. But thank God for godly parents and especially a godly mother, who would never give up on her child and son. She would always reinforce strong principles and wisdom from God's word in my heart and mind. I remember I came home from school one day just crying and very angry because a bunch of kids were calling me names and telling me I was dumb, stupid and slow then to get home and thinking I would find sympathy at home from my mother. She would almost kind of scold me and say to me, "Who told you you were dumb, stupid and slow?" I would try to convey to her that kids at school and on the bus were saying those things about me and she would almost with a dignified attitude tell me did you hear those things from your father or me your mother and most of all did you hear it from God. I would then stand there for a minute or two and think and then say No! Mame. Then she would further say if you did not hear it from your father and you did not hear it from me an especially if you did not hear it from God then you do not need to worry about it. Like she was shielding me from the negativity of those words and encouraging and reinforcing my inner being to not dwell upon the negative words of people whether their your siblings or other people you don't know its not what they say that matters it whatever your father, me and most importantly what God says about you that matter the most. So, you might be wondering what does that have to do with your title of this blog. Well, It has everything to do with it because if you do not have the happiness of a good home life and strong enabled parents that cannot see past the clutter and mess in life then when you become of age and are going out into a cold and cruel world that can be down right mean at times then you won't possess the ingredients in life to go to far in life. She taught me how to be satisfied and content with myself and to be happy and comfortable in my own skin before I could call myself to pursue anything worth being happy for in life. Because if your not first happy with yourself or the way life is treating you then you won't be able to do much to change that or any situation in life. The pursuit of happiness is first being able to find the inner peace of happiness within way before you can be able to find it without. Whether pursuing your dreams to be a stay-at-home mom/dad, teacher, fire fighter, principal, lawyer, doctor or for anything for that matter if you have not settled within yourself that I am going to be happy and satisfied with whatever I pursue in my life and I am not going to allow anything nor anyone to disrupt my equilibrium in my life to make me feel unsatisfied about any situation in my life but that is left up to me and me alone. Then you won't make it very far in your childhood, teens, teenage years, young adult and even as a older adult in life because you have allow life and people to make you unsatisfied about situations that may or may not occur in your life. The pursuit of happiness is about being strong, tenacious, bold, committed, devoted, dedicated, loyal and having conviction about what you believe and do not believe in life but the choice is yours. You have the right to pursue whatever your heart can conceive and your mind can believe for your life without the dictates of anyone telling you that you don't deserve it. Because if you allow them to what you are actually letting them do is determine for you your level of happiness that you deserve in your own personal, private, corporate and business life. Never give anyone that type of power over your life. The Pursuit of Happiness is your choice and your choice alone not anyone else's. So pursue life for all its worth in it's highs, lows, middles and in between because in this life your only given one life and one chance to live it to it's fullest. Because in this life you already are going to have it full of trouble anyway so why try and add to it to that which is already calculated against you and instead why not try to make the best of it and go for it for all that it's worth cause you only get out what you are willing to put into it. In conclusion never let anyone and never let any situation dictate to you whether you are going to be happy or not choose to be Happy and live life full of expectancy and watch the return you get on it. Just ask a farmer who plants seed he/she is never concerned about the weather because they know they do not have control over it but they do have control over how they choose to plant the seed. So the question is in our lives. Are we planting right? Take care and God Bless!

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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

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