Sunday, October 31, 2010

Socialist State

Is America slowly but surely becoming a Socialist State as we know it. If there has never been a time to make a stand against some of the socialistic ideas that some of our political and national leaders have been making of late no better time than the present to make that stand. Our nation has faced many things in time past but none like the on-slot socialistic and fascism that we have encountered in the several years like we had to endure. In my reading I have come across a book, which is a good read for anyone that loves the face and breath of Freedom. It's by Naomi Wolf "The End of America: Letter of Warning to A Young Patriot" a call to all concerned citizen's to a call of action.

It does not take a scientist to figure out that America is in trouble. We have been in trouble for a long while now. It's kind of like the syndrome of the frog in slow boiling hot water. It really does not know that it is in trouble because it takes time for the water to boil; before it knows that its in trouble. Well, you are being told America and you have been warned time and time again. This is it you are in trouble. As, one crying out in the wilderness to a nation that has lost her way you are in trouble. You have taken your delight in knowing of God that you have not come to know the true and living God, who is the Great Jehovah. He is pleading with you America. "Oh America, Oh America, how often I would gather you as a mother hen would gather her chicks, but you would not." God is in the process of cleansing out his church or have we forgotten that judgement must first began at the household of Faith first. God will get the last word because he said, "My word will not return unto me void, but it will accomplish that which I sent it forth to do." My hearts desire is that whole of America might be saved and repent and turn back unto her God the Lord of Host.

Warm Regards,

Minister Stephen Underwood

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