Friday, February 10, 2012

You have to see this

Dear Network Marketers, Business Professional & Entrepreneurers , You have to see this. I am excited to share this with you and it's just out!I highly recommend you look at it right away - as timing is everything and I have the opportunity to share this with you at virtually the ground floor.Now don't worry - keep your wallet in your pocket - this is free and yes, you can make money with it! So check it out at I don't share things easily with people, and I only do when I think you'll be as impressed as I am!I look forward to hearing what you think, Stephen Underwood

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Beware of FEAR

Today I would like to talk to us about the subject of FEAR, which stands for (False Evidence Appearing as Real). Now we know that if something is trying to appear in our lives as something that is false that means it's a lie. So, if something is a lie that means it does not hold truth to it or in it. So what happens many times when we see things as fearful what we are really saying is that thing appears to be real to me and when all actuallity it is nothing bu a lie. This will help you out in your recruiting in your primary business. Dani Johnson says, "An Excuse is nothing more than a well thought out lie" and that is so true when you come across people who know are struggling to make ends meet you ask them is there anything that would keep you from starting a home-based business and they come up with a million and one things of not getting started in their own business. It was nothing more than a well thought out lie. They have money for this and that thing but to invest in their future they will come up with a million and one things like I said, to give you of why they cannot get started in business with you. Do not get agree at them it is nothing but fear that is creeping up into their lives to keep them from moving forward into uncharted territory that they never been before in their own lives. Give them the information that they need and let time bring them around. Because remember your like a farmer your seed is your business opportunity and they are the soil that you are trying to get a harvest from some you will be able to receive 30 or 60 fold then there are others that you will receive a 100 fold all at once. Treat them all the same but just expect different results from the soil in which you are planting in. Make sure that you do not come from a place of fear yourself because what you tend to think on the most you will become and if you have fear so will your prospects that you are trying to recruit. So take one day at a time and remember to beware the fear. Thanks for listening and God bless!


Stephen Underwood

P.S.S. Check us out at

Monday, February 6, 2012

Breaking Through the Darkness

Breaking Through the Darkness:

I would like to speak to everyone out there on the internet about something that is common to all of us. That is breaking through the darkness that seems to effect all of us in a negative or a positive way it is all about the
perspective that you have about your situation or circumstances in life. You can choose to do life instead of life doing you by one added adjustment in your life and that is your choice of will. What you will and will not do matters when you are faced with serious circumstance in life your choice plays an important role in these dark times of our lives. Bro. Lawrence in his book called "Practicing the Presence of God!" is where you choose to allow God of the universe work in your life even when you cannot trace him in your life. This does not matter whether you are saved or unsaved or even better, yet whether you are churched or unchurched God is still in control of the darkness that seems to surround us at times. What he is waiting to see is how you are going to respond to the darkness in your life? I have scripture to back up what it is I am saying to you, John 12:24 says, "I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds". So you might be wondering what does this have to do with my life, my business, my career or even my marriage. You see the truth about it is this if you want you life to be the maximum that you want it to be you first must be willing to go down in order to get up. Just like the seed you must be willing to be offered up and die to your life in order to yield what it is you want in your life. If its your job, career, business, life and even your marriage it must be willing to give up what it currently has and go into the ground and die in order to be resurrected into something that is far more greater than anything that we can imagine. If your life, job, career, marriage, business seems like its in the dark that ought to be a prime indication that you are going through your metamorphosis phase of life and that God is getting ready to yield a abundant crop in your life. But what we must do is be willing to go through the dark stages of life in order to get the things out of our life in order to be blessed and prosperous for God to use us in the manner that he sees fit so we can be a blessing to one another. Remember, that we are breaking through the darkness and the way that you do that is by making the conscience choice to die to self. And that is the hardest thing for any of us to do and that is dies to yourself. The ways that you can die to yourself is by confessing each and everyday that you no longer live for yourself but you live for others, confess that I die to my old way of life, but the most important way is by giving your life to Christ and allowing him to be your Lord and Saviour this is the biggest metamorphosis change of them all is by dying to yourself and accepting Christ as Lord and Saviour of your very life. He makes managing the darkness of our lives much easier to handle. If you are in the darkness of your life, I offer this one thing to you if you haven't tried Jesus give him a chance because like a my mentor Willie Jolley would say, "It Only Takes A Minute to Change Your Life". These are some of the things that I haad to do if I really wanted my life to change and ever since I did my life has not been the same, since that day. May you find peace, Love and joy for your life. God bless!!!

Warm Regards,

Stephen Underwood