Thursday, February 9, 2012

Beware of FEAR

Today I would like to talk to us about the subject of FEAR, which stands for (False Evidence Appearing as Real). Now we know that if something is trying to appear in our lives as something that is false that means it's a lie. So, if something is a lie that means it does not hold truth to it or in it. So what happens many times when we see things as fearful what we are really saying is that thing appears to be real to me and when all actuallity it is nothing bu a lie. This will help you out in your recruiting in your primary business. Dani Johnson says, "An Excuse is nothing more than a well thought out lie" and that is so true when you come across people who know are struggling to make ends meet you ask them is there anything that would keep you from starting a home-based business and they come up with a million and one things of not getting started in their own business. It was nothing more than a well thought out lie. They have money for this and that thing but to invest in their future they will come up with a million and one things like I said, to give you of why they cannot get started in business with you. Do not get agree at them it is nothing but fear that is creeping up into their lives to keep them from moving forward into uncharted territory that they never been before in their own lives. Give them the information that they need and let time bring them around. Because remember your like a farmer your seed is your business opportunity and they are the soil that you are trying to get a harvest from some you will be able to receive 30 or 60 fold then there are others that you will receive a 100 fold all at once. Treat them all the same but just expect different results from the soil in which you are planting in. Make sure that you do not come from a place of fear yourself because what you tend to think on the most you will become and if you have fear so will your prospects that you are trying to recruit. So take one day at a time and remember to beware the fear. Thanks for listening and God bless!


Stephen Underwood

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